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Corey Hall

Quid pro quo sexual harassment in California

Updated: Jan 30, 2023

What is quid pro quo sexual harassment in California?

Quid pro quo sexual harassment occurs when sexual favors are requested or demanded in exchange for a job-related benefit or to prevent adverse employment action.

How does quid pro quo sexual harassment occur?

Quid pro quo sexual harassment can happen in two distinct kinds of ways

  1. When a supervisor requires the exchange of sexual favors for a job-related benefit, such as a good performance review, raise, or promotion; or

  2. When a supervisor requires the exchange of sexual favors to prevent an adverse employment action, such as a poor performance review, drop in compensation, or demotion.

Quid pro quo sexual harassment does not have to be explicitly said. If your supervisor drops a hint about exchanging sexual favors for a job-related benefit, then that could qualify as quid pro quo sexual harassment.

Are supervisors the only ones able to commit quid pro quo sexual harassment?

Yes, only a supervisor can commit quid pro quo sexual harassment. They could either be your direct supervisor or your supervisor’s supervisor.

What if someone who isn’t my supervisor tries to engage in quid pro quo harassment?

If another employee or non-employee that is not your supervisor engages in this type of behavior, then they are committing hostile work environment sexual harassment. Anyone can commit this type of harassment.

What should I do if I’ve experienced quid pro quo harassment at work?

If you’ve experienced quid pro quo sexual harassment, then you should take the following steps as soon as possible.

  1. Report the harassment to a supervisor more senior than the supervisor that harassed you; report it to the HR department. It’s important that you clearly communicate the harassment with your employer in case of ever having the need to file a lawsuit against them – this is especially important for a retaliation case.

  2. Get in touch with an employment attorney such as Hall Law Group. We have experience working with employees that have been victims of quid pro quo sexual harassment and will work with you to get you the best outcome possible.

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